Ayin Aleph is a singer, pianist and composer from Moscow, Russia.
When she was 4 years old, she started playing piano, and at the age of 8 she had already made her first composition, which was immediately recorded in a studio in the capital city. This young and talented artist caught the attention of one of the greatest composers of our era, Dmitri Kabalevsky.
In 1986 Ayin decides to leave her country and after having travelled to some european countries, she settles down in France.
Ayin Aleph
She starts her band in 2003 in Paris with a great success after the launch of their new songs and videos ("The night of the valpurges" in 2003 and "The butterfly" in 2004). In 2008 the band releasedtheir first album and in 2009 they made the videoclips for the songs "Hamlet", "My bloody marriage", "I miss you" and "Greed".
Ayin Aleph's music is a mix of styles aparently incongruous: Metal, Baroque and romantic-lyric music. The story of their lyrics are mostly tragic.
The videos of their music is not just a simple promotional tool to ilustrate songs, but a way (as important as other) of expression of their artistic universe.
Ayin is always in a constant search and innovation of her musical gender, as well as in a process of creation of her own style.