“The Classical Russian Ballet” is a successful classical dance group from Moscow featuring 25 people, including the greats soloists coming from the most important muscovite theatres and Saint Petersburg. The group was founded in 2004, but in seven years of its artistic active life has became consolidated as a professionaly developed group, which includes the best russian ballets schools actors, the promising young talents and greats classical dance masters. The group casting is nowadays composed by the “Muscovite Choreography Academy”, the “Vaganova (Saint Petersburg) Russian Ballet Academy”, and other famous Russian ballets schools. As a stage manager and soloist conducting the group is Jasan Usmanov
The Russian classical Ballet Repertory is composed in first place, by the greats pieces of the most precious classic legacy: pieces of P. I. Tchaikosvsky: “The Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Nutcracker” suite.
There also are grandious pieces as “Giselle”, “Don Quixote”, “Cinderella”, “Carmen”, and “Romeo and Juliet”.
In addition to capital scenes performances, The Classical Russian Ballet performs abroad in tours. They were received successfully by the Yekateringurg, Kiev, and Odessa audiences. And so it was enthusiastically received in Finland, Japan, Spain, Israle, Austria, Germany, Greece, etc.
During may and june 2013, the group has perfmormed in Madrid scenes, they had 25 concerts and all of them with a huge success.
If an art in the world exists, able to conquest the heart bottom of the human soul, making happiness, enjoyment, sadness, compassion,…an art able to catch at the members of the audience, while being captivated by what they have seen, then they will reflect on the new things they could learn of, …things that they thought about, things they admired about, or being terrified by…in this case it means the Art of Classical Dance and Ballet.
“The Russian Ballet”- words which become nearly synonymous terms, not separable from each other: you could not imagine Russia without the classical ballet art, it is quite unlikely thinking about a different place in the world map, if you want an authentic ballet.
The creative and full of vitality group is ready to conquist all the differents countries and continents audiences with its art, technical skills, artistic expression, sincerity, and energy.
Each meeting with the Classical Russian Ballet is a celebration which will remain with you.