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“Yunona and Avo’s” is the performance produced by the “State theatre” lead by the composer Alexey Rybnikov, condecorated as “People Artist” from the Russian Federation, and winner of the Estate Prize.

“Yunona and Avo’s” is the most known rock-opera in the Russian scene.


The authors are the distinguished Russian composer Alexey Rybnikov and the poet Andrey Voznesenskiy.



The rock-opera “Yunona and Avo’s” first performance was in 1981 in the Leninskiy Komsomol Theatre Moscow, and since that time during 30 years, this musical enjoys a huge box-office success.

In 1983 the musical “Yunona and Avo’s” came out to the French audience by the designer himself Pierre Cardin in the “Espas Cardin Theatre”, after that they had triumphant tours around the world: U.S.A, Germany, Holland,…later they performed in Poland, Hungry, Czech Republic, Germany and South Korea.


"Yunona and Avós"

In summer of 2009, the Alexey Rybnikov Theatre made the musical new adaptation debut “Yunona and Avo’s” in France in the “Pierre Cardin Festival”, which had a big success.


This new and complete adaptation of the author Alexey Rybnikov set up an innovation of the musical theatre genre, and makes up the author original idea for.

The new opera adaptation brings together the traditional liturgical Russian songs, the folklore, the urban pop-music styles with the composes aesthetic ideology.


Music leads the show. The rock-opera vocals sketches were made up by the eminent Russian singer Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, the first performer of the main vocal parts in the Alexey Rybnikov Theatre, and the most famous songs of the Russian cinema.

Also the splendid choreographic sketches permormed by Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya (“Pinocho”, “Producers”, “Eastwick Witches” musicals choreographer-producer) turn the musical into an unforgettable show.

The main musical producer is Alexander Rijlov, one of the best producer in Moscow, known by his excellent work in the theatre sphere and also in television and the concert programming.


In the performance taking part are the outstanding actors, the present time stars from Moscow. The count Rezanov is played by the theatre artists: Valeriy Anojin and Nikolay Drozdovskiy. The Conchita Arguello role is played by Nataliz Krestianskiy and Ekaterina Soloviova. In the show taking part are the outstanding actors of the Theatre. 


The rock-opera “Yunona and Avo’s” (produced by the Alexey Rybnikov Theatre Group), has been seen by the audience from Russia and the countries around, and from France.



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